> 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM源码程序 > 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM\stprtool\setpath.m

    function []=setpath(toolboxroot)
% []=setpath(toolboxroot)
% SETPATH adds path of the Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox.
%   The function argument determines where the root directory
%   of the toolbox is located. If no argument is given then a current
%   directory is taken as the root directory.

% Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, Vojtech Franc, Vaclav Hlavac
% (c) Czech Technical University Prague,
% Written Vojtech Franc (diploma thesis) 02.01.2000
% Modifications
% 23-mar-2001, V.Franc, added new directories

if nargin < 1
   toolboxroot=pwd;              % get current directory

disp('Adding path for the Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox...');

% path definition for UNIX
p = ['$:',...


% adds path at the start

%--translate ---------------------------------------------------------
function p = translate(p,toolboxroot);
%TRANSLATE Translate unix path to platform specific path
%   TRANSLATE fixes up the path so that it's valid on non-UNIX platforms
% This function was derived from MathWork M-file "pathdef.m"

cname = computer;
% Look for VMS, this covers VAX_VMSxx as well as AXP_VMSxx.
%if (length (cname) >= 7) & strcmp(cname(4:7),'_VMS')
%  p = strrep(p,'/','.');
%  p = strrep(p,':','],');
%  p = strrep(p,'$toolbox.','toolbox:[');
%  p = strrep(p,'$','matlab:[');
%  p = [p ']']; % Append a final ']'

% Look for PC
if strncmp(cname,'PC',2)
  p = strrep(p,'/','\');
  p = strrep(p,':',';');
  p = strrep(p,'$',[toolboxroot '\']);

% Look for MAC
elseif strncmp(cname,'MAC',3)
  p = strrep(p,':',':;');
  p = strrep(p,'/',':');
  m = toolboxroot;
  if m(end) ~= ':'
    p = strrep(p,'$',[toolboxroot ':']);
    p = strrep(p,'$',toolboxroot);
  p = strrep(p,'$',[toolboxroot '/']);